Joan Guthrie Medlen, MEd, RDN
Quality Health, Quality Lives, Connected Communities
Digital Products
The Open Faced Sandwich (Blog)
Disability Solutions
A little bit of heaven
Why an Open-Faced Sandwich?
Hoja de trabajo para Talleres Sábado, 18 de Octubre 2014
Monterrey Madness!
When Food is the Culprit
November Non-Fiction Writing Challenge
Zip It Up!
Supplements – De Ja Vu?
Does the Label Matter? “Dietitian” meets “Nutritionist”
Walking the Walk….Eating the Choices
A Blast from the Past: Creating Solutions – Disability Solutions
Cooking by Color is (finally) on it’s way!
What does p**p have to do with learning?
Resolution: Quality in Health and Life
Does Learning Only Go in One Direction?
The Ultimate Routine-Killer: Winter Break
Combining the Old and the New….for a great fall (gluten free) cupcake
The Power of UDL: There’s an App for That!
Sweet Lemon Memories
Sometimes the world really does revolve around food.